Have You Been Accused Of Violating A Restraining Order?

Violating the terms of a court issued California restraining order is a criminal offense that can result in penalties of up to three years in prison as well as fines and restitution to the victim.

Ron Cordova, Attorney-At-Law, has over 40 years of criminal law experience and has tried over 150 jury trials in state and federal courtrooms throughout the United States. Ron has successfully defended countless clients against serious criminal charges, with the knowledge and skills of a highly effective trial lawyer.

If you have been charged with violating a restraining order, our restraining order violations lawyer can provide assertive and aggressive representation to challenge the allegations made against you. He will pursue every avenue to help you avoid a conviction.

An Experienced Attorney Ready, Able And Willing To Challenge The Prosecution’s Case

To secure a conviction, the prosecution must prove that a valid restraining order was issued by a judge, that the defendant had knowledge of the order and that the defendant intentionally violated its conditions. A successful restraining order defense must challenge any or all of these points.

If you have been arrested for violating the terms of a restraining order, Ron will explore every aspect of the prosecution’s case to protect you from a conviction. With a legal career both as a prosecutor and a defense attorney, he understands the prosecution’s tactics and forms solid and effective defenses against them.

A Strong Defense Starts Now — Don’t Wait To Contact Our Defense Firm

If you are charged with violating a restraining order, contact the Irvine, California, office of Ron Cordova, Attorney-At-Law, at 949-769-2175 or online to request a free initial consultation.