An car accident ends in a 9th DUI charge for an Orange County man

An Orange County man finally got his day in court Monday, March 6, 2017, weeks after having wrecked his car on South Lakeview Avenue in Placentia on January 29. The 52-year-old man has reportedly been charged with Driving Under the Influence (DUI) nine times in the past six years. Of those nine, four have resulted in felony DUI convictions.

In his complaint, the Orange County deputy district attorney handling the case refers to the defendant as a threat to not only himself, but the public at large. In doing so, he cites how the man has repeatedly chosen to operate a vehicle at well in excess of state’s legal limits.

Police have confirmed that the man’s license was suspended at the time he was involved in the accident. His car was also not equipped with an ignition interlock device as required under the conditions of his probation.

As for the defendant’s response to the charges waged against him, his attorney concedes that his client is not a monster, but instead someone with an addiction that is out of hand. He points out that his client has had quite a difficult time in coping with the dissolution of his marriage.

As for the prosecution’s response to the defense attorney’s assertions, he argues that his office is doing everything possible to avoid a much more catastrophic outcome. He argues that, in not allowing the defendant to get behind the wheel of his car for the foreseeable future, he would be helping to protect both the community and the defendant himself from harm.

A conviction on the latest DUI charge waged against the man would potentially result in the defendant spending as much as seven years in jail. The defendant’s attorney is hopeful that a resolution can be reached, that strikes a balance between jail time and getting him the help he needs to address his addiction, instead. The defendant’s bail is set at $250,000 as he awaits his next court date on April 24.

If you or someone you know has been charged with DUI, an Orange County, California criminal defense attorney can provide advice and guidance in your legal matter.

Source:, “Orange county man charged with 9th DUI in 6 years,” Greg Lee, March 06, 2017

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