What are the penalties for tax evasion?

On Behalf of | Jul 17, 2020 | Tax Evasion

If you are currently facing allegations or charges of tax evasion, you are likely unsure of what your next steps should be and may even feel like you do not have any options at all. When faced with the threat of tax evasion charges, the thought of potential long-term repercussions can be incredibly stressful.

In this post, we will cover a few common consequences tax evasion charges can have and touch on a potential solution.

Criminal charges

According to federal law, tax evasion is a felony. The IRS may take the case to federal court, creating a significant amount of anxiety for those facing the charges. If a tax evasion case is not handled properly, time behind bars could be a possibility, depending on the exact details of the charges.

Interest and other financial penalties

From a financial standpoint, these allegations carry stiff consequences. With interest accumulating and the penalty of costly fines, the financial impact can often be difficult to recover from without the right support. Additionally, other financial repercussions may result from such serious charges, such as a damaged credit score and tax liens.

A damaged reputation

Tax evasion charges can be harmful to one’s reputation, especially for those with high-profile positions in their communities like local politicians and religious leaders. Often, people have no idea of how to stand up for themselves when facing tax evasion charges and may feel like their situation is hopeless. Working with a qualified attorney to develop an effective defense strategy can reduce stress by minimizing or even eliminating the long-term consequences of tax evasion charges.

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