Taking steps to reduce the taxes you owe is not necessarily a crime. There are many legal avenues available to minimize tax liability. There is a difference, however, between tax avoidance and tax evasion. The penalties for a tax evasion conviction can be severe. Tax...
Month: October 2020
What are the two types of tax evasion?
Most people know that tax evasion is a white-collar crime that the IRS investigates and prosecutes against individuals and businesses. Tax evasion generally means not paying your taxes or not paying all that you owe. But unless you have been charged with tax evasion,...
Racketeering charges and the RICO Act
When you hear the word "racketeering", what comes to mind? Odds are that it's gangster movies and television shows or real-life figures like Al Capone and John Gotti. But what is the crime of racketeering, and how would it cause a person to face federal charges under...
What happens if you violate a restraining order in California?
A restraining order is usually a civil law matter. But violating the terms of a restraining order issued against you can lead to your arrest and a possible jail sentence. Because a restraining order is a judicial order, violating it is a crime. The person who...
How can your Miranda rights help you?
You have surely heard of Miranda rights. They are often included for dramatic effect in arrest scenes in movies and television shows involving police or criminal activity. But what do you actually know about your Miranda rights? Do you know how they can aid you in...
When can you be charged with kidnapping your own child?
When people think of kidnapping, they usually think of a child snatched away from family by a stranger, often through force or intimidation. However, parental kidnapping is different. Parental kidnapping occurs when one parent takes the child without the knowledge and...
The legal consequences for distributing a computer virus
You might think that experimenting with malicious computer software sounds like an interesting and educational hobby. You might even seek the thrill of being an "infamous" programmer. But if you get into creating viruses, you could end up facing serious criminal...
Self-defense laws in California
Many people in California may look at claims of self-defense by individuals facing criminal charges with a certain degree of scrutiny. This no doubt comes from the assumption that an altercation must have two willing participants. Yet at the same time, most people...
Understanding common charges of violent offenses
Facing a charge of committing a violent crime can be overwhelming. Such charges have different names that may sound to you like they mean the same thing. Adding to the confusion is the fact that many people use these terms interchangeably. Understanding the charges...
What is insider trading?
When you get into trading assets, you must follow all written and unwritten rules. Obeying trading laws and regulations is crucial in cultivating a strong relationship with the market. It is one of the most important things you can do. In order to do so, you also need...