It is no secret that when you get to the top, you have to tread carefully. The more power you hold within your position of employment, the more carefully scrutinized you are likely to be. The slightest mistake can not only be devastating for your organization, but can also place you under suspicion. Depending on the extent of the damage done, you could even face criminal charges and be accused of fraud, corruption or similar offenses.
In Orange County, two men who each formerly worked as parks and recreation managers, have been convicted on multiple charges, including fraud, embezzlement and public corruption. One man, aged 53, faces 10 years in prison, while the second, aged 48, is to be imprisoned for six. They also have been fined over $2.6 million and are required to pay restitution to the City totaling over $1.3 million.
The pair have been accused of embezzling public funds over the course of several years. They are thought to have fabricated fraudulent payroll requests, received the money into accounts owned by themselves and not declared tax on those earnings. Both men pleaded guilty to numerous counts relating to the alleged scheme.
It is no secret that being charged with a white collar crime can turn your life upside-down. While you are under investigation, you may be suspended from your position. People may not know how to react to your situation and may treat you with suspicion. Furthermore, the stress of such an investigation can put considerable strain on you and your family.
If you are faced with charges of this nature, you might benefit from the support of an attorney. He or she can advise you on your options and may be able to assist you with your defense. With the correct support, you might be able to protect your good name and avoid conviction altogether.
Source: Orange County Breeze, “Two former parks and rec managers sentenced for public corruption in Buena Park,” April 26, 2015