For doctors and other medical professionals, it is critical to maintain a good reputation. Fair or not, all medical professionals are typically held to a higher degree of ethical standards by the public than the average person. This means that every allegation of impropriety to which you are subjected requires a strong response. And this is especially true if you have been accused of engaging in some sort of illegal activity.
Recently, the second in a series of indictments were handed out to medical providers, doctors, and attorneys for participating in an alleged kickback scheme. According to reports, the indictments resulted from a workers’ compensation insurance fraud investigation conducted by the California Department of Insurance.
The CDI stated that almost 20 insurance companies were defrauded, and the inspection revealed alleged kickbacks that totaled almost $500,000. The kickbacks were associated with the billing of fraudulent workers’ compensation claims that added up to millions of dollars. One CDI representative expressed that such acts of fraud put a tremendous strain on the state’s economy.
Clearly, the CDI takes its duties very seriously and will vigorously pursue those who they believe are participating in fraudulent enterprises. But the professionals who are on the receiving end of such serious charges have every right to defend themselves.
It takes a lot of hard work and expense to become a licensed medical practitioner. As such, you don’t want the life you have so studiously built for yourself destroyed by charges of insurance fraud. If you are convicted on such charges, you may lose your right to practice medicine, be fined or even have to serve time in prison.
If you are a medical professional who has been accused of insurance fraud, your reputation and your livelihood are on the line. By securing the services of an experienced attorney, you may be able to protect all you have worked for.
Source: Insurance Journal, “13 Indictments Handed Down in Massive Workers’ Comp Fraud Scam,” Jan. 28, 2016