Fraud committed over interstate boundaries is called wire fraud. It may include scams like telemarketing fraud, phishing and other schemes hatched to defraud others for personal gain. Wire fraud is quite similar to regular fraud, except interstate communication is involved. Interstate communications include telephone lines, electronic communication and even television.
Typical wire fraud schemes ask people to provide personal or financial information. This information is later used to make fraudulent transactions. Telemarketing fraud and phishing are examples of scams that try to convince others to give out their personal details. Phishing is the act of generating emails with made up stories and sending them out to strangers. These emails attempt to convince the reader to provide information that may be used for financial gain.
If you have been accused of wire fraud, the prosecution will do everything in its power to prove that you are guilty. According to the legal definition of wire fraud, the defendant must have intentionally created a scheme to defraud another person for personal gain. Interstate wired communications have to be involved for the prosecution to press for wire fraud charges.
If you have been accused of wire fraud, you may want to consider discussing the situation with an experienced criminal defense attorney. The attorney can explain the best course of action and may be able to devise a strong defense strategy for your case. With an attorney by your side to fight for you, you can mount a case that may get the charges reduced or even dropped altogether.